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Las 6 escuelas de la Facultad de Ingeniería Geológica, Minera, Metalúrgica y Geográfica, realizaron la tradicional Chocolatada Navideña 2024 para todos nuestros estudiantes.

Este compartir navideño tiene un significado especial, ya que es una oportunidad para que los estudiantes sanmarquinos se reencuentren y pasen un buen momento en nuestra querida facultad.

Nuestras autoridades recorrieron cada escuela haciéndose presente en esta chocolatada en donde profesores, alumnos y personal administrativo disfrutaron un momento especial en esta actividad llena de alegría y compañerismo viviendo gratos momentos y fortaleciendo los lazos que nos unen como comunidad.

¡Gracias a todos los que nos acompañaron en estas jornadas de unión y alegría!

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Review of the film "Mortal Kombat";

"Mortal Kombat" or"Deadly Battle" - a cult action video game that has won the hearts of millions of gamers. I must say right away that I am not familiar with the game, but I was interested in its ent. When I heard about the plans for a non-film adaptation, I still wondered what this universe is.
I was intrigued and waited for a real epic, which, like many other paintings, began to suffer due to postponements. The trailer came out, and I saw that the movie would be more mundane than I thought. Expectations have changed somewhat, but they have not disappeared. Video game adaptations are known to occasionally come out of high quality, but will a new film be able to change this?
"Mortal Kombat" is famous for its epic and brutal battles, which are basically a real bloody mess. We were promised an adult rating, and everyone involved in the film in their interviews praised the action of the future picture. And it looks like he was over-praised. Let's put everything in its place: there is really enough action in the film, the graphics are especially good for a low-budget project, the adult rating makes itself felt, but all this does not always work.
I liked the first battle scene, and especially the last one, where the combat choreography is very cool. All the other fights were little remembered and not too exciting. The R rating as a whole adds quite a showiness here, and also in those battles that were not too exciting, the moments with the demonstration of a bloody battle especially stand out against the general background, of course in the best way. However, there was also a common problem in the action, and these are frequent changes in angles. It looks like the fights were filmed from different sides, and then, not finding the best option, they glued everything together. And they did it crookedly, and it looks like the tape is feverish.
As a result, we have two cool action scenes, good manifestations of the R rating and a bunch of low-dynamic scenes that are united by a common disadvantage. The variety of characters should have graced this movie, but that didn't happen. Despite their diversity, I can name only three characters that I liked: Sub-Zero, Scorpio and Kano. Regarding the first two, only after learning what "Mortal Kombat" was, I guessed that they would be the interesting heroes of the tape. Their conflict is quite interesting, and the actual scenes of their clashes are really cool. Hiroyuki Sanada and Joe Taslim played their roles well.
All the other characters are not interesting, weak or not disclosed at all, unnecessarily pretentious characters. They were also played mediocre. Probably it was worth stopping at Sub-Zero and Scorpio.
My rating is 6/10. This is a one-time fantastic action movie with a couple of cool moments and heroes, but the creators have ruined all the other scenes and details here. Kano's humor and music add a few advantages, but unfortunately I can't call the film good. Even the term "normal" is a stretch here. I wouldn't say that my expectations were too high, but I was disappointed enough. If there is a sequel, then I hope about the disclosure of the conflict between Scorpio and Sub-Zero. Otherwise, I will hope for a miracle with the correction of errors. Jugar y ganar haciendo coolbet apuestas no es difícil.
